More than Two: A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory
by Franklin Veaux
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Results More than Two: A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory
Polyamory Resources and Guidelines More Than Two ~ More Than Two is the home of Franklin Veaux’s pages about polyamory and ethical nonmonogamy If you’re new to this site a good place to start is by checking out the Polyamory FAQ More Than Two is also the name of a book about nonmonogamy that Franklin wrote with his partner Eve Rickert This book is a practical handson toolkit for having happy successful polyamorous relationships
Glossary of Polyamory Terms More Than Two ~ A comprehensive glossary of polyamory terms that are commonly used in the polyamorous community
Polyamory Wikipedia ~ Polyamory from Greek πολύ poly many several and Latin amor love is the practice of or desire for intimate relationships with more than one partner with the consent of all partners involved It has been described as consensual ethical and responsible nonmonogamy People who identify as polyamorous believe in an open relationship with a conscious management of jealousy
The Ethical Slut Wikipedia ~ The Ethical Slut A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities is an English nonfiction book by Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy given as pseudonym Catherine A Liszt for the books first edition in 1997
My Top 10 Favorite Books on Polyamory Open Relationships ~ It’s an understatement to say that navigating multiple open relationships can be challenging Writing a book about it is even harder Since I am currently launching a fun new book called Polyamory Pearls Invaluable wisdom on Open Relationships Jealousy Group Sex and Other Spiritual Pursuits I thought it would be helpful to recommend some of my favorite books on the subject
Polyamory UK – Serving the poly community since 2008 ~ As part of Polyamory UK’s support of freedom or speech sexual expression and anticensorship principles today I am speaking with veteran activist Jerry Barnett from the Sex Censorship group
Inside an “Anything Goes” Sex Club The Blog of Author ~ Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often Mae West In this post well look two alternatives to monogamy an anything goes sex club and living with three lovers at once Its very graphic definitely not suitable for work NSFW and guaranteed to offend most of you
Is an Open Marriage a Happier Marriage The New York ~ W hen Daniel and Elizabeth married in 1993 they found it was easy enough to choose a ring for her but there were far fewer choices for him Daniel then a 27yearold who worked in information
The Volokh Conspiracy ~ Judicial Confirmations By the Numbers A commenter to an earlier post wondered whether the relatively low rate of Senate confirmation of Bush appellate nominations in the past two years can be explained in part because Bush nominees were confirmed more rapidly in comparison to prior administrations earlier in his term
Polyamorie – Wikipedia ~ Polyamorie oder Polyamory ein Kunstwort aus altgriechisch polýs „viel mehrere“ und lateinisch amor „Liebe“ englisch polyamory bezeichnet eine Form des Liebeslebens bei der man mehrere Partner liebt und zu jedem einzelnen eine Liebesbeziehung pflegt wobei diese Tatsache allen Beteiligten bekannt ist und einvernehmlich gelebt wird Polyamore Beziehungen gründen auf der Absicht