Read Online The COTA Examination Review Guide Book with CDROM 9780803608443 Medicine Health Science Books

- Questions reflect the COTA exam's emphasis on analytical rather than recall-type questions
- Questions in the first three exams are grouped by domain
- Questions in the 4th exam are grouped by population
- The 5th exam simulates the actual test; the content corresponds to the content mix of the actual exam as described in the 1999 COTA Exam Test Specifications
- Provides practical information on applying for and preparing for the examination, followed by test-taking tips
- Answers with detailed explanations and references are provided
Read Online The COTA Examination Review Guide Book with CDROM 9780803608443 Medicine Health Science Books
"Love this book and they way it's written is easy to understand and very helpful! It your about to test definitely try the nbcot practice exam from the actual nbcot website! Combine that with this book and you'll do great"
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Tags : The COTA Examination Review Guide (Book with CD-ROM) 9780803608443 Medicine Health Science Books @ ,Caryn R. Johnson MS OTR/L FAOTA, Arlene Lorch MS OTR/L CHES, Tina DeAngelis EdD OTR/L,The COTA Examination Review Guide (Book with CD-ROM),F.A. Davis Company,0803608446,Allied Health Personnel - examination questions,Licensure - examination questions,Occupational Therapy - examination questions,Occupational Therapy;examination questions.,Occupational therapy,Occupational therapy assistants,Occupational therapy assistants;Examinations, questions, etc.,Occupational therapy;Examinations, questions, etc.,Allied Health,Allied Health Services - Medical Assistants,Allied Health Services - Occupational Therapy,Examinations, questions, etc,MAJORS,MEDICAL / Allied Health Services / Occupational Therapy,MEDICAL / Test Preparation Review,Medical,Medical / Nursing,Medical study revision guides,Medical/Allied Health Services - Medical Assistants,Medical/Allied Health Services - Occupational Therapy,Non-Fiction,Proceedings,Scholarly/Undergraduate,Study learning skills,Test Preparation Review,United States,examination questions,Occupational therapy assistant,examination questions,Medical,Test Prep,Medical study revision guides,Study learning skills
The COTA Examination Review Guide Book with CDROM 9780803608443 Medicine Health Science Books Reviews :
The COTA Examination Review Guide Book with CDROM 9780803608443 Medicine Health Science Books Reviews
- The material is slightly outdated but it was a helpful study tool for me. I passed my boards first attempt with a 522. This book did help me understand how to break down questions and pick out the important words I needed to look for. I also enjoyed taking practice exams on my computer thanks to the CD. Great study tool for a great price!
- This book is not much a study guide as it is a book of practice tests. Once you have the CD, the book is pretty much useless, all the tests including rationale is on the disc. I would have rather paid $10 for the disc that to kill a tree by sending this book. I definitely WOULD NOT use this as my only study source for the NBCOT.
The Therapy Ed book has questions that are similar in format to the NBCOT than this book. I usually pass the tests on this book at 75%-90% but still rarely get over 75% on the Therapy Ed practice tests. I highly suggest using those tests as a measure. Again, only use these tests in this book as practice, NOT as a significant source of study material. - This book is amazing. It came with a disc that I used to take practice exams over and over again. It really helped me practice the areas that I was weaker in and it also gave me great examples of how the questions were worded on the NBCOT.
- I used a couple of study guides to prepare to the NBCOT exam and I found the THE COTA Examination Review Guide the most helpful and the least intimidating. The tests in the study guide gave me an idea of what to study for the exam. The answer guide gave reasonings for the correct answer which were a blessing. I used this guide and my text books for 90% percent of my studying and I passed the first time. I did noticed that some people said the book was outdated but in my opinion I don't believe it was off base at all.
- Love this book and they way it's written is easy to understand and very helpful! It your about to test definitely try the nbcot practice exam from the actual nbcot website! Combine that with this book and you'll do great
- I didnt actually use this at all and ended up selling it back to . I thought the AOTA's guide was a better option. It wasnt that the questions were bad, but the constant flipping back and forth to get to the answers was SO annoying I couldnt continue. I answered the first 50 questions, and checked about 10 of them. Overall, might be a good resource for some, but did not work out for me (I passed my COTA test with a 500 only using the AOTA PDFs and question bank) Might be different if they sold a more updated version.
- This is an invaluable tool that enables the student to take 5 different exams (200 questions each) to practice their comprehensive test taking knowlege in this specialty field. It provides tips to take and study for the test, as well as answers at the end of each exam that thuroughly explain the right answer, as well as, if not more importantly, the wrong ones too. Because questions are often based on "the most right" answer", they tend to be quite tricky and this book helps enormously to learn how to best decipher the line of thinking behind each question.
The CD ROM is a great addition to the book, such that it allows the user to take a computerized version of the test, that will mimic the actual test administered, so you're fully prepared on how things will go the day you take the 4 hour examination.
I would highly recommend this book to any OTA student who wants to be confident in their ability to pass the exam the first time. It's definitely a worthwhile investment in their future as a COTA. - Maybe its just me, maybe I'm just not understanding, but some of these answers just don't make sense. So let me give an example.
First the answer as given
"The most basic level of meal preparation is accessing a prepared meal, which involves tasks such as opening a thermos or unwrapping a sandwich. When an individual becomes proficient at this level, he or she can, and should, progress to a higher level. More advanced meal preparation activities can be structured to increase in complexity in the following sequence prepare a cold meal [answer B]; prepare a hot one dish meal [answers A and C]; and prepare a hot multi dish meal [answer D].
Then the question
"The client has successfully prepared a cold meal in today's treatment session. The next meal preparation activity the COTA should have the client prepare is (A) Brownies (B) a cheese sandwich (C) A casserole (D) A spaghetti dinner with salad and garlic bread."
My logic
Its not D because that's a multi-dish meal and its to complicated. Its not A because that is a cold dish and has already been accomplished. Of the two left A and C I thought A seemed slightly less complicated, really it terms of the question though they are both single dish meals.
So whats the answer? (B) A cheese sandwich.
Let me be clear, its not just one answer the book is littered with answers like this, where the EXPLANATION makes sense and is reasonable, but the ANSWER itself doesn't make any sense. Again, maybe its me, maybe I just don't get it, I am hoping that I am just being dumb and someone will point out why that is the obviously the answer.
Also the copyright is 2002, the book is 14 years old, and the questions seem dated, especially in comparison to the official NBCOT study materials, and also considering NBCOT has changed their test rather considerably since then.