Download The Essential Calvin and Hobbes a Calvin and Hobbes Treasury Bill Watterson 9780590819244 Books

Beginning with the day Hobbes sprang into Calvin's tuna fish trap, the first two Calvin and Hobbes collections, Calvin and Hobbes and Something Under The Bed Is Drooling, are brought together in this treasury. Including black-and-white dailies and color Sundays, The Essential Calvin and Hobbes also features an original full-color 16-page story.
Perhaps the most brilliant comic strip ever created, Calvin and Hobbes continues to entertain with dazzling cartooning and tremendous humor.
Bill Watterson's Calvin and Hobbes has been a worldwide favorite since its introduction in 1985. The strip follows the richly imaginative adventures of Calvin and his trusty tiger, Hobbes. Whether a poignant look at serious family issues or a round of time-travel (with the aid of a well-labeled cardboard box), Calvin and Hobbes will astound and delight you.
Beginning with the day Hobbes sprang into Calvin's tuna fish trap, the first two Calvin and Hobbes collections, Calvin and Hobbes and Something Under The Bed Is Drooling, are brought together in this treasury. Including black-and-white dailies and color Sundays, The Essential Calvin and Hobbes also features an original full-color 16-page story.
Download The Essential Calvin and Hobbes a Calvin and Hobbes Treasury Bill Watterson 9780590819244 Books
"I got this for the grandkid. I have the complete 3 volume set, but he wanted one for himself that he could read in his room, so I got him the hardcover and he reads it every night. They really put most of the best of Bill Watterson's strips in this one. All the main characters, most of Calvin's craziest schemes, and all of the comics charm, His characters are hilarious and thoughtful at the same time. It's the best comic series of all time. Well, The Far Side is pretty good, too....."
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Tags : The Essential Calvin and Hobbes a Calvin and Hobbes Treasury [Bill Watterson] on . Beginning with the day Hobbes sprang into Calvin's tuna fish trap, the first two <I>Calvin and Hobbes</I> collections,Bill Watterson,The Essential Calvin and Hobbes a Calvin and Hobbes Treasury,Andrews McMeel Publishing,0836218051,American wit and humor, Pictorial.,Boys,Calvin (Fictitious character Watterson),Calvin and Hobbes (Fictitious characters),Comic strips, books, etc,Comic strips, books, etc - United States,Comics (Graphic works),Families,Graphic novels,Hobbes (Fictitious character),Humorous comics,Imaginary companions,Imagination in children,Stuffed animals (Toys),Tiger,Wit and humor.,American wit and humor, Pictorial,COMICS GRAPHIC NOVELS / General,Calvin and Hobbes; collection; paperback; comics for kids; classic comics; cartoon books for kids; fantasy; humor; bill watterson,Cartoons comic strips,Form - Comic Strips Cartoons,GENERAL,General Adult,HUMOR / Form / Comic Strips Cartoons,HUMOR / General,Humor,Non-Fiction,Wit and humor,bill watterson; Calvin and Hobbes; cartoon books for kids; classic comics; collection; comics for kids; fantasy; humor; paperback,COMICS GRAPHIC NOVELS / General,Form - Comic Strips Cartoons,HUMOR / Form / Comic Strips Cartoons,HUMOR / General,Humor,American wit and humor, Pictorial,Wit and humor,Cartoons comic strips
The Essential Calvin and Hobbes a Calvin and Hobbes Treasury Bill Watterson 9780590819244 Books Reviews :
The Essential Calvin and Hobbes a Calvin and Hobbes Treasury Bill Watterson 9780590819244 Books Reviews
- The content of the book is amazing, no problem there. What I take issue with is quality of the book binding. It started to fall apart within 10 minutes of owning it. My 12 year old daughter was gently looking at it at our kitchen table when 2 pages fell out. Then more and more.... we have had for 6 weeks about now, and over half of book is loose sheets. Very disappointed. The pages themselves are still fine, so now I will take it to a store to have it spiral bound or something. Such a bummer.
- I've skimmed the book, but in the past 2 weeks my 7-year old has read it cover to cover about ten times. It brings me such joy to hear him laughing from the other room while he reads this. Then he tells me all about it later. This treasury truly is a "treasure". It has an original big-sized story, as well as color and black and white comics inside. It's in a large size format which is neat for kids. I highly recommend this book for ages 7 and up.
- While I have no problem with the book, the version needs some work. You have to look at it sideways just to read it. It will not orient to my iPad correctly.
- I got this for the grandkid. I have the complete 3 volume set, but he wanted one for himself that he could read in his room, so I got him the hardcover and he reads it every night. They really put most of the best of Bill Watterson's strips in this one. All the main characters, most of Calvin's craziest schemes, and all of the comics charm, His characters are hilarious and thoughtful at the same time. It's the best comic series of all time. Well, The Far Side is pretty good, too.....
- I was very sad when Bill Watterson announced that he was retiring his cartoon strip featuring Calvin and Hobbs. I LOVED those two and the first thing I always turned to in the morning newspaper was the cartoon page so that I could see what they were doing that day. ADORABLE!!! I was equally impressed that Mr. Watterson could come up with so many true to life antics for Calvin to do and involve poor Hobbs. I marveled how just a single line on Calvin's face could change his expression completely! That takes true talent to be able to accomplish that!
So when I was scrolling through 's offerings and found the book The Essential Calvin and Hobbs A Calvin and Hobbs
Treasury I knew that I had to have it to add to my growing library. Thank you, , for offering it. I can now enjoy Calvin and Hobbs as often as I wish. Louise Mustain 6-18-2014 - Bill's comics depict childhood during this period of time accurately and are humorous. In these comics Calvin's imagination has no bounds and is always leading him and his imaginary friend Hobbes into trouble. From building a transmogrifier to getting lost in the woods this book and others are your central for fun and laughs. I would definitely recommend reading and buying this book as you will get hooked and read it over and over.
- Calvin and Hobbes have been a part of my life for about twenty years. I remember in middle school, someone mentioned the name, and the very next time I went to the library (in the early 90's, when people still did that) I searched for them. Over the years I've enjoyed reading Garfield, The Far Side, and Foxtrot, but I always came back to the little boy and his stuffed tiger. Maybe it was because they took me where no comic strip ever did launching to Mars in a red wagon, flying through downtown skyscrapers on a flying carpet, or setting out on an expedition to Alaska but only making it a few hundred feet from the house. Those of us who love this comic continue to miss it even though we had to say goodbye eighteen years ago this December, but I will always and forever be grateful to Bill Watterson for refusing to commercialize the heck out of the strip, and for ending it with a good taste in our mouths and while we were still "hungry." For years I've been hoping that these books would come out on , and though I bought this one for my e-reader, I'm still going to buy the books...just to show them off.
- Having always been a fan of Calvin and Hobbes, I jumped at the chance to get it on .
The content is exactly as stated (the first two books combined I believe) and the colors were great. Calvin and Hobbes is great because it is funny on so many levels. As a kid, I used to laugh at the funny things Calvin used to do. Now that I'm an adult, I laugh because I understand a lot of the cultural/political references better and because I can see how funny the disconnect is between the imagination of a child and the reality-based world of adulthood. This is comedy at its finest.
The only complaint I had was the format. When I first opened it on my Fire HD, a tutorial-like screen popped up to show me how to zoom and move from slide to slide. It worked the first time I had it open, but when I opened the book again, it went back to normal book viewing mode (wouldn't zoom or anything). This wasn't an issue, but occasionally the words were small enough that I had to squint a little to read them.
Another very minor complaint was that the orientation of the page wasn't the way I wanted it. I like to lock the screen into portrait or landscape mode while reading sometimes so I can read with it sideways while lying in bed, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get it to lock the way I wanted it.
In summary, this gets 5 out of 5 stars because the content is great and my complaints were only for very minor things. I would definitely get this again in a heartbeat.