Download The Case for Christ A Journalist Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus Case for Series Lee Strobel 0025986345860 Books

Is there credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God? Former atheist and Chicago Tribune journalist Lee Strobel says yes! In this revised and updated bestseller, The Case for Christ, Strobel cross-examines a dozen experts with doctorates from schools such as Cambridge, Princeton, and Brandeis, asking hard-hitting questions - and building a captivating case for Christ's divinity.
Strobel challenges them with questions like, How reliable is the New Testament? Does evidence for Jesus exist outside the Bible? Is there any reason to believe the resurrection was an actual event?
Winner of the Gold Medallion Book Award and twice nominated for the Christian Book of the Year Award, Strobel's tough, point-blank questions read like a captivating, fast-paced novel. But it's not fiction. It's a riveting quest for the truth about history’s most compelling figure.
The new edition includes scores of revisions and additions, including updated material on archaeological and manuscript discoveries, fresh recommendations for further study, and an interview with the author that tells dramatic stories about the book's impact, provides behind-the-scenes information, and responds to critiques of the book by skeptics.
As The Case for Christ and its ancillary resources approach 10 million copies in print, this updated edition will prove even more valuable to your spiritual journey.
Download The Case for Christ A Journalist Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus Case for Series Lee Strobel 0025986345860 Books
"Lee Strobel's "A Case for Christ" was highly instrumental in leading me to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord & Savior. Coming from a scientific background, I was also skeptical about this whole "religion thing". However, the methodical scientific approach and evidence he discovered in his search for the truth, convinced me it is far more logical to place my faith in Jesus than not. I can do nothing but highly recommend this book and the movie if you are searching for the truth about Jesus Christ."
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Tags : The Case for Christ A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus (Case for ... Series) [Lee Strobel] on . <strong><em>NEW YORK TIMES </em></strong><strong>BESTSELLER! OVER 5 MILLION COPIES SOLD!</strong> Is there credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God? Former atheist and Chicago Tribune journalist Lee Strobel says yes! In this revised and updated bestseller,Lee Strobel,The Case for Christ A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus (Case for ... Series),Zondervan,0310345863,Biblical Studies - General,Christian Life - Personal Growth,Christian Life - Spiritual Growth,Apologetics,Authority - Religious aspects,Christology,Jesus Christ,Jesus Christ - Historicity,Jesus Christ - Person and offices,Nonfiction,CHRISTIAN LIFE,General Adult,Inspirational/Devotional - Christian,Monograph Series, any,Non-Fiction,PERSONAL GUIDANCE,RELIGION / Biblical Studies / General,RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational,Case for Christ;lee strobel books;lee strobel;case for Christ book;evidence for jesus;evidence jesus is the son of god;evidence for Christ;biblical evidence for jesus;biblical evidence;is jesus real;journalism;investivate jesus;investigate Christ;spiritual journey;journey of faith;from atheism to faith;is jesus the son of god;gold medallion book award;Christian book of the year;Christian book of the year award;case for books;Christians believe;what do Christians believe;apologetics book;reason for your faith;books on spiritual growth;study the bible;journalism degree;law degree;non-believing;skeptics learn the bible;books on atheists;books on Christ;books about Christ;books about jesus;books on unbelievers;books on faith skeptics;books on soteriology;books on deity;study the bible;case for faith;Chicago tribune;,RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth,RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth,RELIGION / Reference,RELIGIOUS,Religion,Religion - Christian Life,Religion/Biblical Studies - General,Religion/Christian Living - Spiritual Growth,Religion/Ethics,SPIRITUAL HEALING,United States,journalism degree; christians believe; law degree; non-believing; books on spiritual growth; books on atheists; books on unbelievers; books on soteriology; books on deity; Case for Christ; lee strobel books; lee strobel; case for Christ book; evidence for jesus; evidence jesus is the son of god; evidence for Christ; biblical evidence for jesus; biblical evidence; is jesus real; journalism; investivate jesus; investigate Christ; spiritual journey; journey of faith; from atheism to faith; is jesus the son of god; gold medallion book award; Christian book of the year; Christian book of the year award; case for books; what do Christians believe; apologetics book; reason for your faith; study the bible; skeptics learn the bible; books on Christ; books about Christ; books about jesus; books on faith skeptics; case for faith; Chicago tribune,RELIGION / Biblical Studies / General,RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational,RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth,RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth,RELIGION / Reference,Religion/Biblical Studies - General,Religion/Christian Living - Spiritual Growth,Religion - Christian Life,Christian Life,Personal Guidance,Religion
The Case for Christ A Journalist Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus Case for Series Lee Strobel 0025986345860 Books Reviews :
The Case for Christ A Journalist Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus Case for Series Lee Strobel 0025986345860 Books Reviews
- Lee Strobel's "A Case for Christ" was highly instrumental in leading me to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord & Savior. Coming from a scientific background, I was also skeptical about this whole "religion thing". However, the methodical scientific approach and evidence he discovered in his search for the truth, convinced me it is far more logical to place my faith in Jesus than not. I can do nothing but highly recommend this book and the movie if you are searching for the truth about Jesus Christ.
- Lee was an Atheist, and his wife, an Agnostic.What makes this book so interesting, even as a believer, is the fact that Lee, former legal editor for the Chicago Tribune, embarked on a 2 year investigation into the reality of Christ. Was Jesus who He said He was? Did He really exist in the flesh? Are the biblical accounts just made up? Were there eye witness testimonies to miracles that supposedly happened through Jesus? Can groups of people maintain eye witness accounts without those stories becoming totally altered after passing down through even the first 20 people let alone generations?
The really great thing about Lee's "investigation" was that he set out to prove that his wife, who became a believer, and all the rest of us, were caught up in a huge scam. Experts in the fields where Lee's questions could be addressed were engaged in this quest. This book is not fiction!
Also, the movie, if you see it, does a great job of summarizing the whole investigation, and you get to "meet" those who were called on to fully answer Lee's questions, and they are not actors. - It's hard to rate this book with only 5 stars. I was raised a Mormon. After leaving the cult due to the Mormon inconsistencies and contradictions I found myself in a state of limbo. I didn't know what to believe. I knew that a God existed but wasn't sure if it was the Christian God, the many many Hindu gods or maybe some deity that was unknown and impersonal.
The Case for Christ was a critical look at Christianity from the perspective of an atheist. Lee Strobel left no stone unturned. He tackled the historicity of the person Jesus, the resurrection account, miricals and every objection to which I wanted answers. - Well written and logical. A must for anyone investigating the validity of the claims of the Gospel.
- I am a christian. My parents were born again long before I was born. My father was immensely and I mean it, immensely transformed after receiving christ. We prayed three times a day, and I was a firm beleiver in Christ simply by reading the bible and listening to men of God. Mama always spoke vividly about the Kingdom yet to come. It is the happiest time of my parents lives, speaking about Christ. I therefore knew christ without reviewing the evidence. Reviewing the evidence in this book has given me a new drive and commitment to the cause and now I am altogether stronger and better grounded. I wish I had read this book years ago! I would definately have had better use of my time witnessing for christ.
- As a student of Christianity and other religions for a while now, I found this book to be a big disappointment. I was drawn to it given the description of it by many of my peers - a hard look at the evidence from a skeptics perspective. Some even go as far as to say an atheist seeking to disprove Christianity being convinced by the evidence. This interested me in the book - what did Strobel find that was so compelling that it could change a staunch atheist's mind? I was genuinely interested in the answer for my own faith journey.
However, after reading this book, I can say the atheist narrative simply does not hold water with me. Strobel was clearly not trying to disprove Christianity here - not even to "give it a fair trial by weighing the evidence".
In the first chapter, he describes what began the journey - his wife converted to Christianity (much to his dismay), but then he noticed that she was becoming a better person. He says, “Instead, I was pleasantly surprised – even fascinated – by the fundamental changes in her character, her integrity, and her personal confidence ... I wanted to get to the bottom of what was prompting these subtle but significant shifts in my wife's attitudes". This is a great motivation to investigate the religion - but it is certainly not what the narrative suggests - something like "I set out to show her that Christianity is a sham".
Secondly, every scholar Strobel interviews is a Christian, most seminary-educated and many actively working at a seminary. We know this from the pages of credentials Strobel gives us and his habit of asking every expert if their research has strengthened or reduced their faith (spoiler all say strengthened). This is not to say Christians aren't good scholars (two of them are undeniably genuine experts in their fields - hailed by Christian and secular scholars), but I find it very hard to believe a committed atheist would forego all secular scholars and seek out only Christians for an objective look at the evidence. I suspect the purpose was to present the illusion that all biblical scholars are strengthened in their faith due to their research, which simply is not the case.
Thirdly, and most importantly for me, I do not feel Strobel gives skepticism the trial he claims to, nor the trial it deserves. He is content to accept vague and/or circular explanations (we should trust the disciples' word in the Bible because we have no reason not to - after all they wrote the Bible) and toward the middle and end of the book he is actually putting arguments for Christianity into the mouths of the experts (isn't it true that there is proof of the eclipse at the Crucifixion because a church historian quoted a lost text that talked about it?). He ignores major controversies outright and skirts legitimate problems about biblical authorship, biblical inconsistency, translation/transcription issues, etc. that any half-interested skeptic would know about and takes almost every assertion presented without question.
In the rare case that Strobel does raise a somewhat skeptical objection, he generally presents the most outrageous position a skeptic could take, setting up a strawman argument. An example of what I mean (obviously paraphrased for brevity)
Strobel Are there non-Christian sources that support the story of Jesus as described in the Bible?
Expert Yes (a generally cogent argument here)
Strobel But wait, this author says that Jesus never even existed! What do you say to that?
Expert We're confident Jesus existed because we have tiny snippets of text that mention him in a Jewish religious book, a pair of Jewish/Roman histories, and a Roman letter.
Strobel Clearly, there is overwhelming corroborative evidence that Jesus is the unique Son of God!
My problem with this is that the objection raised is extreme - *most* academics and people at large - including atheists - believe that a man named Jesus existed, they're just not sure that he was who Christians have claimed he was (God). Secondly, showing that a human being named Jesus very likely lived does not prove that he is divine or that anything else written in the Bible is true. By presenting the argument this way, he is waving off all the legitimate concerns scholars have raised over the centuries by deconstructing the least plausible of them all.
In sum, what all of these means to me is that Strobel is either dishonest in his motivation/backstory (setting out to disprove Christianity) to create a more compelling apologetic, or he is criminally negligent in his investigation. Either way, I do not recommend this for anyone who want more than superficial confirmation of their active Christian faith. For anyone else who is interested in a real investigation, there is no shortage of books or courses - see Bart Ehrman's books and/or the religious curriculum on The Great Courses for a good start.